渡辺商事株式会社渡辺商事株式会社 Watanabe Syoji


Wholesales food distributor

We proudly play a vital role in delivery of the food products to clinics/hospitals and nursing care facilities.

On top of daily grocery, we carry therapeutic foods for which our staff always strive after knowledge and expertise. We have built up long-lasting customer relationships and reputations since 1965, and will continue the same for many years to come.

Product line-up

Exceptional commitment on products selection.

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Large selection with product lineup.

We carry , industry-leading, more than 5,000 items of various food products, such as basic seasonings, canned foods, retort foods, seets and snacks, frozen foods, medical foods and nursing foods.
We have a such wide variety of the products to meet customers’ requirement.
We will make suggestions of the most suitable products to meet customers’ requirements and operations.

Product line-up

Regular seminars and events

Provide seminar information

Keep you updated with latest information

We have a mission to provide our customers with the latest information in the medical care, welfare and product information. We regularly hold the following events:
– Joint seminar with academic conferences and research associations.
– Our original academic lecture “Watanabe Seninar”.
– Workshop for dysphagia diet.
– Cooking demonstration with steam convection oven.

Logistics warehouse

Safe and healthy logistics network

Logistics warehouse

Friendly truck-delivery by our salesstaff

For the better communications with customers, our own salestaff drive trucks for daily deliveries of the products.
Our salesstaff are professionally trained and ready to deal with customers’ questions on the products and also requests for deliveries.

Mail order business – Online shop

We carry a wide variety of food products to meet various needs of users, from babies to elderly people, including medical foods, nursing care foods and nutrient functional foods.

We satarted our mail order business to deliver such food products to the people who require hospital food and dietary therapy at home. From ordering through shipment, our all operations are handled by our own professional staff, mainly nutritionists. We proudly named our online shop “Heartful Food”as we always wish to pour our heart and soul in our serivces to both care-givers and care-recipients.

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Emergency food business

We have many natural disasters in Japan and, therefore, the stockpile of the emergency foods is absolutely necessary.

We propose emergency foods for hospitals/clinics, elderly nursing homes, companies, schools, preschools, and local goverments, suitable for users, places, purposes. Also, please ask for our follow-up services.

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